Sunday, June 12, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever - My Thoughts

Duke Nukem has been in what people call, development hell, for the past 12-15 years. It has been canceled, delayed, and has switched developers many times. So when it was finally announced that Gearbox Software was developing it and that it would in fact actually come out, there was a question many people were asking: Would it live up to people's expectations? A solid question, I mean after 15 years it did tend to build up some hype.

Many major review sites, such as IGN, have been giving DNF below average scores. The main reason of this is because it did NOT live up to the 'hype'. Well I say, NO game can live up to 15 years of hype, its impossible. And why should that even matter? If Bioshock was announced 15 years before its release I'm sure people would have given it bad reviews, and would have dubbed it a 'let down' or 'not living up to the hype'. But Bioshock is in fact a great game. So judge the game on the actual game, not on how long it took to come out or the 'hype'.

In the time I have played DNF, I really have enjoyed myself. The game has great humor, many easter eggs, and pokes fun at a lot of other major games. Also, the game is fun. Isn't that the most important part? No, DNF isn't the most innovative or original game. It doesn't have the best graphics or physics and what not. BUT when you realize that non of that really matters as long as you have fun, DNF is an above average game. In DNF you kill aliens, blow up spaceships, ogle sexy chicks, and drink beer. Theres not much stress or frustration, although the harder difficulties will provide you with a great challenge.  But in my opinion the best way to play Duke Nukem is just for fun. You will never really get bored throughout the story, there is a lot of variety in the levels. One level you can be shooting a Gatling Gun at spaceships and the next driving a remote control car as mini-duke.

As for the multiplayer, well it goes well with the singleplayer. Its fun. Now they do happen to track your stats and what not, and also provide a good amount of unlocks and some character customization, but really if you stress yourself out about that stuff you won't have much fun. There are some pretty cool maps as well as game modes. It will provide a good amount of fun, especially if your playing with friends.

In conclusion, don't blindly listen to other reviews that bash the game, hell, don't even listen to me. Go and try it yourself, my opinion, you will probably have a lot of fun. My overall Fun Rating for DNF is a 9/10

Score a month after completion: 7/10
It's been a month since I completed DNF. While I still think the game doesn't deserve the hate it gets, I slightly lowered my score. Everything I said still holds true, its just the game started getting very repetitious towards the end and was a chore to play. I still enjoyed the game. 

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