Thursday, February 2, 2012

Shank Review

Shank, a downloadable XBLA/PSN game about some guy who's wife is murdered and then he goes and gets his revenge. The story reminds me a lot of Kill Bill, or any other one of the thousands of revenge movies out there. But the story is still good, and it is very well delivered. The story isn't too complex or mind-bending or anything, but it's a fun ride, just like Action movies. The cutscenes are what makes it especially interesting, it feels almost as if you're watching an animated movie. Also, excellent voice-acting should be noted.

The plot isn't very innovative and neither is the gameplay. But that's okay because that's not the point of this game. The gameplay, which is comparable to Metal Slug, is still very good. You have numerous heavy and light melee weapons, numerous guns, grenades, and a pounce move, all of which will help you kill bad guy after bad guy. The single-player took only 3 hours to complete, which is good because I'm sure if it was longer it would have began to get boring and repetitious. Since the game is short (I actually beat it in one sitting) it never feels boring or stale. The boss fights, cutscenes, and new weapons keep it fresh. Plus the games beautiful graphical style is always a joy to look at.

The game also has a local co-op mode which I have yet to play. I'm pretty sure it serves as a prequel to the main story. I will update this as soon as I play the co-op.

My score for Shank: 8/10

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